Are there really health benefits to drinking Red Wine? Some things you may not have considered…

This has been an ongoing debate. There is mixed research on the topic, some claiming health benefits, others not. Anyone on Discovery Vitality knows that zero alcohol intake scores far better than one a day! Let’s take a look at the key points including an important factor that has been overlooked.

Wine amongst green leaves
bunch of grapes

Recap on the benefits and potential downsides of drinking Red Wine

A variety of studies on the health benefits of wine have been carried out over the years with different findings, some noting benefits, and others risks.

The benefits are found with light or moderate consumption. The most notable being the positive effects on antioxidant status, the lipid profile, thrombosis and inflammation markers, and the gut microbiota. (1) (2)
Resveratrol, found in wine, could markedly extend lifespan and protect against a series of age-related diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sarcopenia, cancers, infertility, and osteoporosis. However, the dose contained in Wine may not be enough to experience the full benefit, and to increase the dosage of wine would do more harm than good. (3) (4)
Moderate Wine consumption has also been associated with a reduced risk in Rheumatoid arthritis. (5)

So why do we score low on Vitality if we consumer wine? Well, the downside, although in some studies it shows that Wine has benefits, others show that alcohol in general, is not. The biggest risk would be that it is carcinogenic, and there isn’t necessarily a recommended “safe” amount of alcohol consumption. (6)

For the above reasons we only encourage drinking in moderation and believe that Wine is to be enjoyed but not abused.

The Overlooked Benefit

In The Great Big Wine Survey carried out in 2022, participants were asked to choose from an array of answers to complete the following two sentences, and these were the two most chosen answers:

Question 1: “My perception of wine is that”…..
Answer: “It is for relaxing.”

Question 2: “Drinking wine makes me feel”…
Answer: “Relaxed and free of obligations”

What does this mean? Well, high levels of cortisol has been known to include weight gain (especially in the face and abdomen), fatty deposits between the shoulder blades, diabetes, hypertension, hirsutism in women, proximal muscle weakness, and osteoporosis. (7). Cortisol has often been referred to as the stress hormone.

If by consuming moderate portions of wine assists the majority of us in feeling more relaxed and free from obligation, then a reduction in stress can well be an associated benefit. Of course over-consumption can have the opposite affect!

healthy mind wellness


Wine has been associated with both benefits and risk. We encourage you to decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks, and to drink in moderation either way. If you believe it does, then apart from the benefit of reducing stress, why not reduce stress by shopping online. Not having enough understanding of wine was a barrier preventing people from choosing wine, so allow us to assist in any way we can. Browse our Wine Shop online and read through the description of the wine, or contact us at [email protected].

If you are concerned with over-consumption, then possibly consider a monthly delivery of 6 bottles that can last you the month and will only deliver on the first week of each month. We offer 3 different options, read more about our online Wine Club.