Comments from Strandveld:
The growing season started with a very dry spring and less wind than normal. Conditions were good until we were hit with a full force, late cold front on 28 October. This brought a hail storm with stones the size of Shiraz berries driven by a gale force South West wind which ripped the leaves and shoots of our vines Within 10 minutes the damage was done. In the middle of January a Black South Easter tormented us for 10 consecutive days, accompanied by 115mm of rain and very high humidity.
By the 4th of February harvest was in full swing and despite my worries the grapes came into the cellar with no sour rot and only a small percentage of botrytis. The average temperature for February was 21.3° Celsius, this is 0.8°C warmer than the average for the last 16 years. Despite the challenging conditions, the resulting low yield of 2.3 ton per hectare harvested in February and March made amazing wines. The wines produced from the 2020 harvest are fresh and elegant with almost 1% less alcohol.
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